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Denys OS on Octagon SF8008

Posted: 18 Nov 2023, 12:03
by The Founder
"Octagon Define 6.4 OS V1.06.37 linuxos"," ..."
1. Fehler Vod, Series, Audio fix.
2. Xtream EPG, Archiv, Vod, Series Funktion erweitert.
3. Untertitel Funktion aus Internet eingebaut.
4. Support + Info

atm only from Box
"Octagon Define 6.4 OS V1.06.39 linuxos"," ..."
1. Fehlerbehebungen und Optimierung der Gesamtperformance.
2. Bug fixes and optimization of overall performance.
3. Hata düzeltmeleri ve genel performansın optimizasyonu.
4. Support + Info